A Group is a Program Component that describes what Participants are eligible to join a specific Program.  Groups can be as small as one person and as large as everyone you invite to your instance on Whistle.

Groups can be simple (people selected from a list) or automated (people who are part of a region or job classification). 

Types of Groups

Simple Groups

Groups created by selecting a single Organization and Parameter. Whistle will create groups that match the organization and divides each group that match Parameter. 

Example: Whistle has 10 employees, 4 have a Business State parameter of IL, 4 in MO, and 2 in PA. By creating a Simple Group with the Organization as "Whistle" and the Parameter "Business State", 3 groups will be created: 1 for IL, 1 for MO, and 1 for PA. 

Complex Groups

Groups created by user-defined rules or collection of rules.